Have you ever wondered where do all these Rock and Metal bands get their names from? Our investigation team, has come across this "Professional Rock and Metal Band Names Generator". The only drawback might be you'll die from laughter every now and then. You've been warned... Enjoy it!!
- Do you want to stop carrying around your USB memory stick to have all your basic personal stuff with you?
- Do you want, no matter where you are, no matter in which computer you are, your personal folder automatically synchronized, and whenever you change something in one computer (Windows, MAC, Linux, IPhone...), these changes become instantly reflected on the rest of your machines? (even if they're offline !!)
- Do you want that ALL your file changes can be individually stored for 30 days, using Amazon S3, in a ciphered and safe way, being able to access and retrieve them no matter where you are, provided you have an internet connected machine nearby?
- Do you want your own home computer being able to serve and store images via web, (even 'being offline'!!), so you can reference these images from some other webpage or forum, with no need to open an account in imageshack, flickr, or similar pages?
- Do you want to share certain folders with your friends or coworkers (which must also be using Dropbox), and so being able to interchange documents with an incredible speed, to keep common contents with total easiness, and so being able to work collaboratively?
- Do you want to browse your personal folder, no matter where or which PC (Windows and Linux), MAC, IPhone you're using, via web, in a safe way?
- Do you want a free 2GB storage account and then try all this seemingly magical stuff by yourself? (with up to 10GB storage option if you invite your friends)?
You only have to click on the 'DropBox' button to be able to use this invitation, and so you'll enjoy all those nice beforementioned things. And what is better, by clicking this button invitation, you'll get 250 MB extra free space.
Once you do it, 3 things will happen:
- You will think: How come no one had invented it before? (Dropbox was born in late 2007)
- You will think: Why I've been so dumb wasting my time using USB's to carry my files around?
- You will think: How can it be possible no one knows about Dropbox or nobody thinks it's the revolution? (Let's give some time...)
If you click here you'll be able to see a Video Tour which explains in about 1 minute what's Dropbox